Access Management - BluB0X Security | Users can access their respective buildings / amenities through the Consumer Mobile App via their BlueB0X mobile credential | HqO delivers the product specifications. HqO configures the integration in the HqO Platform. HqO permissions the integration to only be visible to users who are approved to view / use the integration. | User can request mobile credential through the Consumer Mobile App. User can access authorized areas based on mobile credential via bluetooth. | Customer has mobile access / bluetooth readers enabled. Customer has an account set up with BluB0X. Customer provided portal information to HqO. Customer has paid BluB0x for the third party integration fee. Customer provides list of users to permissions of users who should have access to the integration. | Customer has an account with the partner. The administrative experience is handled through the partner's portal. Third party integration fee required by BluB0X. Customer is using BluB0X with HID not Blue ID product. |
Access Management - Datawatch | Users can access their respective buildings and amenities through the Consumer Mobile App via the Datawatch integration mobile credential. | HqO delivers the product specifications. HqO configures the integration in the HqO Platform. HqO permissions the integration to only be visible to users who are approved to view / use the integration. | User can request mobile credential through the app. User can access authorized areas based on mobile credential via bluetooth. | Customer has mobile access / bluetooth readers enabled. Customer has an account set up with Datawatch. Customer intro's HqO to Datawatch account team. Customer has Mobile Credentials/IDs available. Customer provides list of users to permissions of users who should have access to respective integrations, as applicable. | Customer has an account with the partner. The administrative experience is handled through the partner's portal. Customer is respecting HqO & partner's functionality. |
Access Management - HID | Users can access their respective buildings / amenities through the Consumer Mobile App via their HID mobile credential | HqO delivers the product specifications. HqO configures the integration in the HqO Platform. HqO permissions the integration to only be visible to users who are approved to view / use the integration. | User can request mobile credential through the mobile app. User can generate and consume an HID Origo invitation code(onboard). User can access authorized areas based on mobile credential via bluetooth. Admin can view only Origo records in HqO Platform. | Customer has mobile access / bluetooth readers enabled. Customer has an account set up with HID. Customer has an Origo Portal. Cutomer invites HqO to Origo Portal. Customer has Mobile Credentials/IDs available. Customer provides list of users to permissions of users who should have access to the integration. | Customer has an account with the partner. The administrative experience is handled through the partner's portal. Customer is respecting HqO & partner's functionality. |
Access Management - Kastle | Users can access their respective buildings / amenities through the Consumer Mobile App via their Kastle mobile credential | HqO delivers the product specifications. HqO configures the integration in the HqO Platform. HqO permissions the integration to only be visible to users who are approved to view / use the integration. | User can request mobile credential through the mobile app. User can access authorized areas based on mobile credential via bluetooth. | Customer has mobile access / bluetooth readers enabled. Customer has an account set up with Kastle. Customer intro's HqO to Kastle account team. Cutomer to collect emails for all mobile access users prior to launch. Customer provides list of users to permissions of users who should have access to the integration. | Customer has an account with the partner. The administrative experience is handled through the partner's portal. Customer is respecting HqO & partner's functionality. Customer does not use PKOC readers (model readers: Nano & Quad) |
Access Management - OpenPath | Users can access their respective buildings / amenities through the HqO app via their Openpath mobile credential | HqO delivers the product specifications. HqO configures the integration in the HqO Platform. HqO permissions the integration to only be visible to users who are approved to view / use the integration. | User can request mobile credential through the app User can access authorized areas based on mobile credential via bluetooth | Customer has mobile access / bluetooth readers enabled. Customer has set up an account & workflows configured with OpenPath. Customer has configured OpenPath based on HqO supported functionality. Customer intro's HqO to OpenPath account team. Customer/OpenPath provides HqO with customer IDs necessary to configure the integration. Customer/OpenPath provides HqO with a test account to test the integration. Customer provides list of users and emails to permissions of users who should have access to the integration. | Customer has an account with the partner. The administrative experience is handled through the partner's portal. Customer is respecting HqO & partner's functionality. Openpath visitor registration is out of scope. Openpath command portal is only available in English. |
Audiences | Audiences allows Admins to target app content and push notifications to specific buildings, companies or individual users. App users are able to see the content or receive the notifications if they are a member of the audience it is targeted to. Audience gives you the ability to provide a personalized experience to the users who are able to utilize functionality, programming, and other offerings. | HqO delivers the product specifications. | Users are able to browse and discover content if they are a member of the Audience user group the content is targeting. Users will receive push notifications if they are a member of the Audience user group the push notification is targeting. Admins can target a piece of content to an Audience user group. The default Audience on content is the Building Audience, all users attached to the building can see all building content by default. Admins can target a push notification to an Audience user group. The default Audience on a push notification is the Building Audience, all users attached to the building will receive the notification if allowed by the app user. Admins can create audiences of various types including users in a building, across multiple buildings, in a company, or a limited set of individual users. | Self-service functionality. | |
BMS Digital Gateway | Display energy consumption data from your Building Management System (provider-dependent). | HqO delivers the product specifications. | Users with access to the HqO platform can view energy consumption data from their Building Management System and apply filters to analyze the results. | Allow HqO to integrate with the Building Management System and ensure it is supported. | |
Building Transportation - Citymapper | Allows users to view local transit information around the users building address. | HqO delivers the product specifications. HqO configures the integration in the HqO Platform. HqO permissions the integration to only be visible to users who are approved to view / use the integration. | User can get directions using public transportation by entering a starting point and destination. User can filter to nearby public transportation options. User can search for public transportation lines. User can search for places to get direction to the place. | Customer has local transit options available. | Local transit is available in the area. Implementation must select the city transit based on this list ( The language applies to all users and has to be set when setting up the URL by adding to the city url "?lang=fr". They only support the primary local short code. |
Communications | Push notifications increase engagement with the app and inform app users of information and experiences available to them. Admins have the ability to communicate to app users through push notifications. Certain push notifications can deep link to functionality within the app such as a piece of content. | HqO delivers the product specifications. | App user actively chooses whether to allow push notifications as part of the sign up process. If user has their permissions set to allow, they will receive scheduled push notifications to their device. App users can turn off notifications for the app at any time. Admins can schedule a push notification and write the header and body. Admins can schedule a push notification to be sent ASAP or for a future date. Admins can target push notifications to specific Audience user groups. Admin users can view a list of pending and sent notifications. Admin users can search notification lists Admin users can modify pending notifications. Admin can connect notifications to piece of content and deeplink users when they click on them. | Self-service functionality. | Push Notifications will be sent to users who enable Push notifications for the Consumer Mobile App on their device. |
Consumer Mobile App - White-label App | Customer branding of the Consumer Mobile App user's app store experience. Customer branding of the Consumer Web App experience. | HqO delivers the product specifications. HqO configures the app section in the Apple & Google App Store. | Customer can customize name of the Consumer Mobile App in the app stores. Customer can customize logo of Consumer Mobile App in the app store. Customer can customize developer name in the app store. Customer can customize search filters in the app store. Customer can customize app description in the app store. Customer can determine URL for the Consumer Web App. | Customer provides desired app logo that meets sizing and accessibility specifications. Customer provides desired app name. Customer provides desired app branding and colors that meet specifications. Customer provides desired app description. Customer creates an Apple Developer account & invites HqO to manage. Apple Developer account cost $99.00 a year annually. | Customer has DUNS & Bradstreet. Customer has a legal entity. |
Consumer Web & Mobile App - Onboarding | Every user that signs up to the HqO app has to go through the onboarding flow. This is either our standard flow or SSO can be configured per tenant company. | HqO configures the product in the HqO Platform and delivers the product specifications. | User downloads the app and launches it for the first time. User enters their email address and if domain is configured, the user creates an account. User creates a password. User enters the verification code which is sent to their email address. User chooses whether to allow app notifications. User arrives at homepage and generally remains signed in. This can be set up in 2 different ways: (1) Private email domains are attached to a tenant company to allow users with this email domain to sign up to the app (2) The app is open for public sign up and anybody with any email address is permitted to sign up for the app. | HqO provides Customer with form to compile information needed prior to launch. Customer provides list of approved companies & email domains. | Generic domains are not permitted to be added to a company in the HqO platform because the company does not own these domains - |
Consumer Web & Mobile App - Utility Buttons | Utility Buttons allow users to quickly navigate to high value functionality within the app. Choose the button shape that works best for your brand and the number of capabilities available to your users. Select colors, icons, and titles for each of your utility buttons. | HqO configures the product in the HqO Platform and delivers the product specifications. | App users can navigate directly to different functionalites via a utility button. Functionalies available will be based on the customer's HqO contract. Admins can configure the display Title on the button. Admins can select button icon from a standard list. Admins may permission button to users based on app users' permissions. Admins can enable utility buttons that link to the following functionalities based on the customer's HqO contract: Amenities, Company Directory, Merchant Directory, Mobile Access, Service & Events, Resource Booking, Visitor Registration, Work Orders, Third party external web link (URL), Third party external app (if meets requirements), SAML Integration (if meets requirements). Ability to link from the HqO app to a functionality pre-installed on the device for text messaging, phone calls, or email. Admins can reorder utility buttons. Admins can remove utility buttons. | ||
Consumer Web App | Consumer Web App is a web-based version of the app. | HqO configures the product in the HqO Platform and delivers the product specifications. | Any changes made in Admin automatically pull through to both the Consumer Web App and Consumer Mobile App. User can sign up through the Consumer Web App. | Customer determines sub-account name (example: Customer provides desired experience of utility button customization. | |
Content Management System (CMS) | HqO offers an easy-to-use, purpose-built content creator so our customers can be empowered to create content quickly and easily. You can maximize your users' engagement with your properties' physical and digital offerings and improve their overall experience. The content creatior is flexible which allows customers to promote and highlight the property offerings and experiences in the way that resonates with your users to generate maximum engagement. Use a simple form with required information and then select from menu of options to tailor content and add additional fields like CTA buttons, RSVPs, location/host, directions, and custom text for any of these fields. Additionally, you can tailor the content with rich text, link to images or PDFs with media upload, target content to specific users with audiences and increase engagement using deeplinking push notifications. Content can be configured on the home page of the app and in an optional "Spotlight" tab which appears in the bottom navigation of the app. | HqO delivers the product specifications. HqO trains customer on the Content Management System (CMS). | App user can browse and discover content on the home screen or spotlight tab that describes the information, programming, events, deals, food options, help or functions that are available to them. If app user clicks into a content tile they see the details and may see a Call to Action (CTA) button that directs to the next step in the experience which may be more information through a website or media, another app experience, RSVP or claim a coupon or deal. App user may receive a push notification that communicates information or instructions about the experiences available to them and if clicked deeplinks the app user directly to the experience details. Admins are able to create, edit and delete sections on the home screen and spotlight tab. Admins are able to change order of sections on the home sceen and spotlight tab. Admins are able to create, edit and delete content on the home screen and spotlight tab. Admins are able to select a piece of contact to promote in the app. The promoted content appears at the top of the home screen. Admins can create and edit content with a title, subtitle, image, and description. Admins can write a description including rich text including bold, italics, underline, strikethrough, superscript, subscript. Admins can write a description including bulleted list, numbered list, or emojis. Admins can write a description that includes an External Link to a third party external web link/URL or web app. Admins can write a description that includes a link to Uploaded media. Media can include a PDF, JPEG or PNG. This can be used for menus, memos, waivers, handbooks, marketing materials, other communications or images. Admins can add a Call to Action (CTA) button and customize the CTA button text and where it links to. After clicking the CTA button, app user can be navigated to an External URL, Screen available in the HqO app, Another app, or Uploaded media. If Admin selects and enters External URL, then the app user will be navigated to the to the third party external web link/URL or web app. If Admin selects Screen in this app, then they can select other app features available to promote via content. The app user will be navigated to that screen. If Admin selects Another app and enters app link, then the app user will be navigated to the to the third party app If Admin selects Uploaded media and uploads a PDF, JPEG, or PNG, then the app user will be navigated to the uploaded media. This can be used to direct users to menus, memos, waivers, handbooks, marketing materials, other communications or images. Admin can add a Call to Action (CTA) button and customize the CTA button text and where it links to. After clicking the CTA button, app user can be navigated to an RSVP or Claim experience. Admins can limit number of RSVPs. Admin can limit number of claims and set limit of claims per individual app user. Admins can add a Host (company or custom text) and let the app user know who is hosting the experience Admins can add a physical and/or virtual location and give additional directions to the app user to help them know how to find the experience. Admins must select a standard category for data tracking. Admins can preview how the content tile will look on the home screen. Admins can schedule the date/time the piece of content is publish in the app and the date/time it is archived in the app. Admins can display the date/time information to the app user in content details, and/or show calendar icon on home screen tile. Admins can limit the amount of time that the CTA button is active which can be used for deals, coupons, raffles, or other time bound experiences. Admins can target a piece of content to an Audience user group. Audiences can be app users in a building, across multiple buildings, in a company, or a limited set of app users. Content can be sent to multiple Audience user groups. Admins can send out a personalized push notification that deeplinks the app user to the experience. Admins must select the home screen section the piece of content appears. | Self-service functionality. | If Admin selects External URL, then the app user will be navigated to the External web link/URL. HqO is not responsible for the experience of that third party as it may not be mobile friendly or responsive. |
Content Management System (CMS) - Amenities | Amenities is a dedicated area in the app available through a utility button which displays all available amenities to an app user App users find this valuable to browse and discover the amenities that are available to them in the workplace Customers find this valuable to communicate the amenity offerings they provide | HqO delivers the product specifications. | App user can tap on the Amenities utility button to view all available amenities. App user can select a specific amenity and be taken to a details page. Admins are able to create, edit and delete sections within Amenities section. Admins are able to change order of sections with in Amenities section. Admins are able to create, edit and delete Amenities. Admins can create and edit Amenity name, details and imagery. | Self-service functionality. | |
Content Management System (CMS) - Company Directory | Directory is a listing of all companies classified as selected company type within a building. This directory can be accessed in both consumer web and mobile apps, provided the Directory utility button is enabled for the building. | HqO configures the product in the HqO Platform and delivers the product specifications. | User can see a list of all companies that are tagged with the selected company types, tenant or vendor. User can see header image, logo, website link and description for each company. Admins can edit company details that show in the directory by navigating to the company. Admins can amend the header image, logo, website link and description for each company. | HqO to provide Customer with file to capture key information around tenant companies. Customer provides company names and information to upload. Customer provides company details & logos. | |
Data Feed | Feed of CSV files that contain the underlying HqO data for customers to use with their internal BI and data governance tools. | HqO delivers app underlying data on spaces, users, content, utilities, events and bookings that a customer can use in internal BI tools or join to their proprietary data. The underlying data is modeled to make it possible to use the data in different ways. | A recurring export of customer's underlying data to understand how their employees or tenants are using or engaging with the HqO suite of products. Frequency of data delivery is configurable (daily, weekly, monthly). The files are additive, they do not replace the old files. | Customer can support/host SFTP server. Customer will provide a destination for the data (SFTP, S3 bucket). Customer will provide credentials for accessing storage location. Customer will confirm the required frequency of data transmission. | Customer can support/host SFTP server. The Data Feed is a standard data set that is delivered as CSV files to all HqO customers and does not include one off exports. |
Desk & Resource Booking - Office 365 | Users can view, book and cancel available resources setup in Exchange in the HqO application. Two way sync of bookings. Exchange is source of through for the resources and their availability. | HqO delivers the product specifications. | User is able to view and book available. Exchange resources in HqO app > booking will showup in Exchange (calander of the user). User is able to view upcoming reservations (made in both Exchange & HqO app). User is able to cancel reservations (through both Exchange & HqO app) > booking will be cancelled in HqO & Exchange. | Azure app setup | Customer must setup Azure app according to HqO capabilities. |
Digital Key - Genea (NFC) | HqO customers can now take advantage of HqO’s native tenant badging feature, seamlessly integrated with Apple and Google Wallet, when Genea is used as the property’s access control system. Enable seamless integration with Genea access control systems. Provide in-app functionality for tenants to sign in and onboard their digital NFC badges to Apple and Google Wallet. Ensure tenant employees can easily manage their mobile access credentials. | HqO delivers the product specifications. | App users can log in and onboard their NFC badge directly into their Apple or Google Wallet. NFC badge functionality allows secure and convenient property access via mobile devices. | Readers are up to date and can accept NFC credentials | |
Digital Key - Lenel NetBox (NFC) | HqO customers can now leverage HqO's native visitor management and NFC mobile access features with Lenel NetBox as their access control system. Tenant employees can seamlessly onboard to Apple and Google Wallet, while visitors gain property access via QR code. | Integrate visitor registration and mobile access features with Lenel NetBox systems. HqO delivers the product specifications. | Tenant administrators can submit visitor details, triggering notifications with QR codes for property access. Visitors gain access to the property by scanning their QR code at designated checkpoints. Tenant employees can onboard their mobile credentials directly into Apple and Google Wallet, enabling NFC mobile access to the property. Guard and property manager dashboards allow real-time viewing of visitor check-ins and access logs. | Readers are up to date and can accept NFC credentials. QR readers are in place. ACS is accessable to HqO via internet. | |
Digital Key - SwiftConnect (NFC) | SwiftConnects software platform enables for both tenants and visitors seamless flexible access by automating the provisioning of access credentials across different buildings and office spaces. SwiftConnect was founded in 2020 and based in Stamford, Connecticut. | HqO delivers the product specifications. HqO configures the integration in the HqO Platform. HqO permissions the integration to only be visible to users who are approved to view / use the integration. | User can request mobile credential through the app. User can access authorized areas based on mobile credential via NFC. | Customer has HID readers that have been approved by Apple(Signo e.g.). Customer has configured SwiftConnect based on HqO supported functionality. Customer has configured HID based on HqO supported functionality. Customer provides list of users to permissions of users who should have access to respective integrations | Customer has an account with Swiftconnect. Customer has HID Origo account set up. Customer has signed SwiftConnect and Apple agreements. |
Digital Twin | A virtual layout of your space for enhanced visualization and navigation. | HqO delivers the product specifications. | View and navigate through a virtual representation of your space. | Provide the required data inputs to generate the model. | |
Emergency Communications - AK Preparedness | Provides the ability to view emergency communication, response plans, and training plans via the AK Preparedness integration in the Consumer Web App and/or Consumer Mobile App. | HqO delivers the product specifications. HqO configures the integration in the HqO Platform. HqO permissions the integration to only be visible to users who are approved to view / use the integration. | HqO acts as the Identity Provider (IdP) and initiates the log in to the partner's web experience. The third party partner owns and is responsible for the web experience and its functionality. The administrative experience is handled through the partner's portal. | Customer has set up an account & workflows with the partner. Customer must introduce HqO to the partner's account team. The partner provides HqO with SSO link for HqO to configure the SAML. Customer/Partner provides HqO with a test account to test the integration. Customer provides list of users to permissions of users who should have access to the integration, if applicable. | Customer has an account with the partner. The consumer web and mobile experiences are the responsibility of the partner. The administrative experience is handled through the partner's portal. |
Emergency Communications - LiveSafe | Provides access to customized emergency communication, training, and plans in app | HqO delivers the product specifications. HqO configures the integration in the HqO Platform. HqO permissions the integration to only be visible to users who are approved to view / use the integration. | User can view safety plans in app. User can view Emergency Response plans in app. User can view training plans in app. | Customer has set up an account & workflows configured with LiveSafe. Customer has configured LiveSafe based on HqO supported functionality. Customer intro's HqO to LiveSafe account team. Customer/LiveSafe provides HqO with customer IDs necessary to configure the integration. Customer/LiveSafe provides HqO with a test account to test the integration. Customer provides list of users to permissions of users who should have access to the integration.Customer/Livesafe to provide Org ID for HqO to configure in the HqO app - Customer to provide: -- Emergency Phone - provided by building contact. Typically the number used after hours as well for emergencies. -- Work Hours - provided by building contact -- Phone - The phone number provided by contact. This is the number that can be contacted during the Work Hours | Customer has an account with the partner. The administrative experience is handled through the partner's portal. Customer is respecting HqO & partner's functionality. |
Food & Beverage - Ritual | Food and Beverage solution that support online ordering, order ahead and online payments. User can order food from on-site retail/vendors and the surrounding neighborhood. Available in US and Canada currently. | HqO delivers the product specifications. | Users can view local food & retail options and address / location information Users can use a search bar to filter local food & retail options Users can view menus for food & retail options Users can order food through the app (pickup & delivery options available) Users can view order cart Users can edit cart Users can link personal & work account through phone number verification User can view wait time for food order to be completed / available Users can be provided credits / rewards to certain retailers Users can purchase/pay through the app - connects to Apple Wallet or credit card. | Customer has onsite retail. Onsite retail is interested in setting up online orders with Ritual. | On-site vendors/retail interested in setting up Ritual. Ritual may or may not have a presence in the region. |
Leesman Essentials | Our globally recognized survey tool helps organizations measure workplace performance and understand what employees need to succeed. The Leesman Index Score (Lmi) benchmarks workplace effectiveness against a vast employee experience dataset, categorizing top-performing workplaces as Excellent (Lmi 70.0 – 79.9) or Outstanding (Lmi 80.0 or above). Clients can customize their analysis with additional modules on Wellbeing, Technology, and Employee Commuting, tailoring insights to their specific needs. Our PhD-led research team also provides in-depth reports with detailed analyses of survey results and employee demographics. With data-driven insights, organizations can confidently enhance workplace experiences and drive better outcomes. | HqO delivers the product specifications. | Leesman’s core survey tool is accessed via a link. Once respondents complete the survey, the results are recorded, generating a report for the team to review. | Provide necessary data to generate the survey. | |
Parking - Valet Manager | Provides the ability to book a parking space via the Valet Manager integration in the Consumer Web App and/or Consumer Mobile App. | HqO delivers the product specifications. HqO configures the integration in the HqO Platform. HqO permissions the integration to only be visible to users who are approved to view / use the integration. | HqO acts as the Identity Provider (IdP) and initiates the log in to the partner's web experience. The third party partner owns and is responsible for the web experience and its functionality. The administrative experience is handled through the partner's portal. | - Customer has set up an account & workflows customized with Valet Manager - Customer intro's HqO to Valet Manager account team - Valet Manager provides HqO with SSO link for HqO to integrate the SAML - Customer/Valet Manager provides HqO with a test account to test the integration - Customer provides list of users to permissions of users who should have access to respective integrations | Customer has an account with the partner. The consumer web and mobile experiences are the responsibility of the partner. The administrative experience is handled through the partner's portal. |
Portfolio + Building Manager | Manage all buildings in your portfolio, view and update building statuses, and request additional buildings to be added. | HqO delivers the product specifications. | Users with access to the HqO platform can view buildings in their portfolio, review key details, manage building information, and update each building’s status. | ||
Property Analytics | Our Property Analytics dashboards provide admin users with a comprehensive view of user adoption and engagement of the platform. It allows them to view and track the number of users who have registered and are active, as well as the level of engagement with individual features. Additionally, admins can filter on specific buildings, companies (where applicable) or time frames to better understand app performance across different regions or user subsets. With the ability to analyze real-time data as well as historical trends, HqO Analytics provides admins with a comprehensive view of user adoption and engagement, helping them optimize their strategy and improve user experience. HqO's REX assessment is a industry's first tool to analyze and understand the sentiment of tenants' and employees' experience in the workspace. Using the Leesman methodogy, HqO calculates a REX Score for each building and company using the data collected through the REX Assessment, which can be used to compare performance against relevant benchmarks. | HqO delivers the product specifications. | Admins can view user activation, adoption and engagement statistics. Admin users can drill down to view engagement by building, company (where applicable) or time frame. Admin users can view activity trends by app or feature including utilities, content, feedback and space bookings. | Self-service functionality. | |
Property Assessment | The process in which HqO is conducting an on premise tour evaluating the property and taking photos. | Our experts will guide you through the assessment and certification process. A qualified team member will conduct a site visit to assess your property fully. | Receive a score based on insights from the Leesman and HqO datasets. Gain insights into tenant preferences to improve experiences and property value. | Customer needs to provide a contact to provide a tour of their property while HqO takes photos and fills out questionaire. | |
Property Pages | A publicly available property page hosted on HqO’s domain. | HqO will create and publish the property page. | A web application that displays details about listed buildings, allows users to browse buildings, and showcases building amenities. | Complete the Property Assessment and provide all necessary inputs. | |
Resource Booking | Users can view, book and cancel available resources setup in admin. Resource settings and booking rules can be managed by admins. | HqO delivers the product specifications. | User is able to view and book available resources. User is able to view upcoming reservations. User is able to update, adjust and cancel reservations. Admins can view, accept and reject resource booking requests. Admins can set up new resources for booking. Resources can be configured so they can be automatically booked, or so that reservation requests must be manually accepted or denied by an admin. Resources can be free or paid for. Resource can be displayed to select audiences. Trophy & Portfolio Tier features: Cross-building booking which includes the ability for admins to configure and manage which resources can be booked by users across portfolio and the ability for a user to search and book a resource at another building within the portfolio. Discounts which includes the ability for admins to set a percentage based discount on a selection of paid resources, the ability to set the duration of a discount, and ability to set eligibility of a discount. Discount is applied to eligible users' bookings. Account based booking which is the ability to for a user to put booking charges on their company's account and the ability for admins to view the booking transactions charged to an account and the ability to download a list of those transactions. | Customer provides information (hours of operation, description, etc) & photos of available resources. Customer determines if resources will be free or charged. If Customer chooses to charge, Customer will need to create a Stripe account to collect payment. | In the case of paid resources, customer needs to have a Stripe account. |
Resource Booking - Angus | Provides the ability to book resources via the Angus integration in the Consumer Web App and/or Consumer Mobile App. | HqO delivers the product specifications. HqO configures the integration in the HqO Platform. HqO permissions the integration to only be visible to users who are approved to view / use the integration. | HqO acts as the Identity Provider (IdP) and initiates the log in to the partner's web experience. The third party partner owns and is responsible for the web experience and its functionality. The administrative experience is handled through the partner's portal. | Customer has set up an account & workflows with the partner. Customer must introduce HqO to the partner's account team. The partner provides HqO with SSO link for HqO to integrate the SAML. Customer/Partner provides HqO with a test account to test the integration. Customer provides list of users to permissions of users who should have access to the integration, if applicable. | Customer has an account with the partner. The consumer web and mobile experiences are the responsibility of the partner. The administrative experience is handled through the partner's portal. |
Resource Booking - Building Engines - Classic | Users can book resources through the Consumer Web App and/or Consumer Mobile App via the Building Engines Classic and the booking information is sent to the Building Engines Classic platform. | HqO delivers the product specifications. HqO configures the integration in the HqO Platform. HqO permissions the integration to only be visible to users who are approved to view / use the integration. | User can view bookable resources (names, picture, and occupancy size) User can view Location of resource User can view Description of resource User can view Opening Hours of resource User can select date to book resource User can select time to book resource User can confirm information prior to booking resource User can cancel resource booking | Customer has set up an account & workflows configured with Building Engines (Classic). Customer has configured Building Engines (Classic) based on HqO supported functionality. Customer intro's HqO to Building Engines (Classic) account team. Customer/Building Engines (Classic) provides HqO with customer IDs necessary to configure the integration. Customer/Building Engines (Classic) provides HqO with a test account to test the integration. Customer provides list of users to permissions of users who should have access to the integration. | Customer has an account with the partner. The administrative experience is handled through the partner's portal. Customer is respecting HqO & Building Engines (Classic) functionality. Property Managers / Admin role users are not supported. Users who have profiles/accounts in multiple locations/account in Building Engines is not supported. User must have a Tenant role to be able to use the integration. |
Resource Booking - Building Engines - Prism | Users can book resources through the Consumer Web App and/or Consumer Mobile App via the Building Engines Prism integration and the booking information is sent to the Building Engines Prism platform. | HqO delivers the product specifications. HqO configures the integration in the HqO Platform. HqO permissions the integration to only be visible to users who are approved to view / use the integration. | User can view bookable resources (names, picture, and occupancy size). User can view Location of resource. User can view Description of resource. User can view Opening Hours of resource. User can select date to book resource. User can select time to book resource. User can confirm information prior to booking resource. User can cancel resource booking. | Customer has set up an account & workflows configured with Building Engines (Prism). Customer has configured Building Engines (Prism) based on HqO supported functionality. Customer intro's HqO to Building Engines (Prism) account team. Customer/Building Engines (Prism) provides HqO with customer IDs necessary to configure the integration. Customer/Building Engines (Prism) provides HqO with a test account to test the integration. Customer provides list of users to permissions of users who should have access to the integration. | Customer has an account with the partner. The administrative experience is handled through the partner's portal. Customer is respecting HqO & Building Engines (Prism) functionality. Property Managers / Admin role users are not supported. Users who have profiles/accounts in multiple locations/account in Building Engines is not supported. User must have a Tenant role to be able to use the integration. |
Resource Booking - Datawatch | Provides the ability to book resources via the Datawatch integration in the Consumer Web App and/or Consumer Mobile App. | HqO delivers the product specifications. HqO configures the integration in the HqO Platform. HqO permissions the integration to only be visible to users who are approved to view / use the integration. | HqO acts as the Identity Provider (IdP) and initiates the log in to the partner's web experience. The third party partner owns and is responsible for the web experience and its functionality. The administrative experience is handled through the partner's portal. | Customer has set up an account & workflows with the partner. Customer must introduce HqO to the partner's account team. The partner provides HqO with SSO link for HqO to integrate the SAML. Customer/Partner provides HqO with a test account to test the integration. Customer provides list of users to permissions of users who should have access to the integration. | Customer has an account with the partner. The consumer web and mobile experiences are the responsibility of the partner. The administrative experience is handled through the partner's portal. |
Resource Booking - Essensys Flex | Users can book resources through the Consumer Web App and/or Consumer Mobile App via the Essensys integration and the booking information is sent to the Essensys platform. | HqO delivers the product specifications. HqO configures the integration in the HqO Platform. HqO permissions the integration to only be visible to users who are approved to view / use the integration. | User is able to view and book available Essensys resources in HqO app > booking will showup in Essensys. User is able to view upcoming reservations (made in both Essensys & HqO app). User is able to cancel reservations (through both Essensys & HqO app) > booking will be cancelled in HqO & Essensys. Essensys booking rules (including pricing, credits and minimum booking duration, available booking window, cancellation policy, user booking access) are respected in HqO Payment process can be done through HqO/Stripe Connect | Customer has set up an account & workflows configured with Essensys. Customer has configured Essensys based on HqO supported functionality. Customer intro's HqO to Essensys account team. Customer/Essensys provides HqO with customer IDs necessary to configure the integration. Customer/Essensys provides HqO with a test account to test the integration. Customer provides list of users to permissions of users who should have access to the integration. | Customer has an account with the partner. The administrative experience is handled through the partner's portal. Customer is respecting HqO & partner's functionality. |
Resource Booking - Nexudus | Users can book spaces, desk booking, & amenities through the HqO app via integration with Nexudus | HqO team will establish feasible times to configure and launch because of the complex nature of flex. HqO delivers the product specifications. HqO configures the integration in the HqO app. HqO permissions the integration to only be visible to users who are approved to view / use the integration | Customer can have invoicing via a configured member portal that allows users and the customers to pay after booking via monthly invoicing. User can make free bookings. User can pay ahead of time with direct debit. Customer can have resource booking rules and configurations including: Advanced booking rules (Reject booking more than x hours before booking starts), Late cancellations (Reject cancellations x hours before booking starts), Late bookings (Reject booking less than x hours before booking starts), Max duration (Cannot be longer than x time) and minimum duration (Cannot be shorter than x time), No return policy (bookings for resources must be separated by x time gap), Available times and days (limited schedule to open hours), Edit image - self service , Have multiple booking windows in a single day, Have different booking windows each day of the week, Enable features to show in resource description, Edit description. Can have booking approval flow. Can have advanced rate options including Display on invoices as: different name displayed on customer invoices. Maximum price: Cap the price of bookings at X for bookings of this resource type. Fixed Cost: The first X minutes have a fixed cost & The fixed cost for this period is X . Can have company level bookings vs individuals. Can provide discounts to different groups of users. Can limit resources to user groups. Can have booking across multiple buildings. Can have custom questions for resources. Can have customized email communications. Can self service in the Nexadus admin dashboard to archive resources, hide resources from the app, and create flexible user roles. Can access room booking displays and ACS integrations via Nexudus and the third party provider. Can upload past bookings. | Customer has set up an account & workflows configured with Nexadus. Customer has configured Nexadus based on HqO supported functionality. Customer intro's HqO to Nexadus account team. Customer/Nexadus provides HqO with customer IDs necessary to configure the integration. Customer/Nexadus provides HqO with a test account to test the integration. Customer provides list of users to permissions of users who should have access to the integration. | Room booking displays via Nexudus and a third party provider, not HqO. |
Room Control | Allow users to manage lighting and temperature (provider dependent). | HqO delivers the product specifications. | Allow users to manage lighting and temperature (provider dependent). | Allow HqO to integrate with the Building Management System and ensure it is supported. | |
Services & Events - Events | Events enables seamless creation of paid or free events or services directly within HqO Admin. From hosting an engaging workshop to an exciting community gathering, building an event your end users can RSVP to has never been easier. | HqO delivers the product specifications. | There are three stages to creating an event: Event Details, Configure Registration, Publish. In the Event Details tab you can enter the basic details of your event including: Event Title and Subtitle, Image, Event date & time, Registration date & time, Body, Host, Location, and CTA button. In the Configure Registration tab admins can set cost and capacity of an event. Fees: Add a cost to your event. End users will be prompted to pay this ammount when they RSVP and checkout for your event. Capacity: Set the number of users who can register for your event. When your event reaches capacity, it will remain visible to users but not allow new registrations. In the Publish tab set details for when users will be able to see the event: Publish date & time, Audience, Publish To, Notifications. Admins can manage events by seeing the countdown, revenue, overview in the header. Manage users who registered in the table that includes the name, company, email, building, registration date, and status. You can change a users status from registered to cancelled. Users can register for an event through the home page of their app. They can find the event tile in the content section where it was assigned when the event was created. When users click on the event, they will see the event time, capacity, address, host, and details of the event. They can register by clicking the RSVP button. If the event is paid, users will be prompted with the payment modal where they can pay for the event with a credit card. After users register for the event, they can cancel by clicking on the event again and clicking the Cancel button. This will confirm the user wants to cancel. If the event is paid it will refund the user within 3-5 business days. After registering for an event, users can add the event to their gmail or outlook calendar and get directions by clicking the open in maps link. | Self-service functionality. | |
Services & Events - Mindbody Class Booking | Users can book services. Can work with the membership solution | HqO integrates with Mindbody tier Accelerate 2.0 or higher. | HqO can show classes and class bookings in the Consumer Web and Mobile app. User can see a calendar schedule of classes. User can book a class through their contract. User can join a waitlist. Users can view a calendar of available classes + services to book. Users can book classes at onsite fitness centers. Users can use promo codes to access onsite deals. Users can add themselves to a waitlist for an upcoming class. | Customer has set up an account & workflows configured with Mindbody. Customer has configured Mindbody based on HqO supported functionality. Customer intro's HqO to Mindbody account team. Customer/Mindbody provides HqO with customer IDs necessary to configure the integration. Customer/Mindbody provides HqO with a test account to test the integration. Customer provides list of users to permissions of users who should have access to the integration. | Customer has an account with the partner. The administrative experience is handled through the partner's portal. |
Services & Events - Mindbody Memberships | Users can add memberships through the HqO app and send information to the Mindbody app. Can work with the class booking solution | HqO integrates with Mindbody tier Accelerate 2.0 or higher. | Users can view available membership options. Users can purchase membership to onsite fitness centers. User can purchase a membership User can agree to terms and conditions. | Customer has set up an account & workflows configured with Mindbody. Customer has configured Mindbody based on HqO supported functionality. Customer intro's HqO to Mindbody account team. Customer/Mindbody provides HqO with customer IDs necessary to configure the integration. Customer/Mindbody provides HqO with a test account to test the integration. Customer provides list of users to permissions of users who should have access to the integration. | Customer has an account with the partner. The administrative experience is handled through the partner's portal. Memberships must bill on the date of the purchase. |
Services & Events - Services | Service booking enables users to view, book and pay for 1:1 appointments. | HqO delivers the product specifications. | Users can view service providers. Users can view a list of services. Users can select a service and view availability. Users can purchase a service using apple pay, debit card or credit card. | Customer provides list of users to permissions of users who should have access to respective integrations. Customer provides information (date & time, cost, description, etc) around services desired to book. | Services are available to book. HqO's Service booking functionality is powered by TimeKit. |
Single Sign-on (SSO) - Azure / Azure AD (OIDC) | Single Sign-on (SSO) is a user authentication tool specifically used for the HqO Platform sign up and sign in flows on Consumer Web App, Consumer Mobile App, and HqO Platform admin. | HqO configures the product in the HqO Platform and delivers the product specifications. | Users are able to log into their instance of the Consumer Web App, Consumer Mobile App, and HqO Platform using their existing tenant company credentials, which is set up and managed through the tenant company’s Identity Provider (IdP). Single Sign-on (SSO) can be configured as required or optional. If configured as required, consumer users for that company would be required to use SSO to log into the Consumer Web App and/or Consumer Mobile App. If configured as optional, the user has the choice between using SSO and/or creating their own HqO Platform credentials which requireds email verification. We can support multiple email domains per integration. We can support multiple IdPs. | Customer must provide the email domains that will utilize Single Sign-on (SSO) and confirm if they want SSO to be required or optional. Customer to confirm the tenant company uses Azure with OIDC. Tenant company will create an OIDC application, provide HqO with the required information for the application (Client ID, Client Secret). Customer needs provide HqO with a test user for verification purposes only. | The domain provided applies to all users with that domain as Single Sign-on (SSO) is not building specific. Customer must have Tenant Company provide an IT contact to configure SSO. |
Single Sign-on (SSO) - Azure / Azure AD (SAML) | Single Sign-on (SSO) is a user authentication tool specifically used for the HqO Platform sign up and sign in flows on Consumer Web App, Consumer Mobile App, and HqO Platform admin. | HqO configures the product in the HqO Platform and delivers the product specifications. | Users are able to log into their instance of the Consumer Web App, Consumer Mobile App, and HqO Platform using their existing tenant company credentials, which is set up and managed through the tenant company’s Identity Provider (IdP). Single Sign-on (SSO) can be configured as required or optional. If configured as required, consumer users for that company would be required to use SSO to log into the Consumer Web App and/or Consumer Mobile App. If configured as optional, the user has the choice between using SSO and/or creating their own HqO Platform credentials which requireds email verification. We can support multiple email domains per integration. We can support multiple IdPs. | Customer must provide the email domains that will utilize Single Sign-on (SSO) and confirm if they want SSO to be required or optional. Customer to confirm the tenant company uses Azure with SAML. Tenant company will create an OIDC application, provide HqO with the required information for the application (Client ID, Client Secret). Customer needs provide HqO with a test user for verification purposes only. | The domain provided applies to all users with that domain as Single Sign-on (SSO) is not building specific. Customer must have Tenant Company provide an IT contact to configure SSO. |
Single Sign-on (SSO) - Google (OIDC) | Single Sign-on (SSO) is a user authentication tool specifically used for the HqO Platform sign up and sign in flows on Consumer Web App, Consumer Mobile App, and HqO Platform admin. | HqO configures the product in the HqO Platform and delivers the product specifications. | Users are able to log into their instance of the Consumer Web App, Consumer Mobile App, and HqO Platform using their existing tenant company credentials, which is set up and managed through the tenant company’s Identity Provider (IdP). Single Sign-on (SSO) can be configured as required or optional. If configured as required, consumer users for that company would be required to use SSO to log into the Consumer Web App and/or Consumer Mobile App. If configured as optional, the user has the choice between using SSO and/or creating their own HqO Platform credentials which requireds email verification. We can support multiple email domains per integration. We can support multiple IdPs. | Customer must provide the email domains that will utilize Single Sign-on (SSO) and confirm if they want SSO to be required or optional. Customer to confirm the tenant company uses Google with OIDC. Tenant company will create an OIDC application, provide HqO with the required information for the application (Client ID, Client Secret). Customer needs provide HqO with a test user for verification purposes only. | The domain provided applies to all users with that domain as Single Sign-on (SSO) is not building specific. Customer must have Tenant Company provide an IT contact to configure SSO. |
Single Sign-on (SSO) - Google (SAML) | Single Sign-on (SSO) is a user authentication tool specifically used for the HqO Platform sign up and sign in flows on Consumer Web App, Consumer Mobile App, and HqO Platform admin. | HqO configures the product in the HqO Platform and delivers the product specifications. | Users are able to log into their instance of the Consumer Web App, Consumer Mobile App, and HqO Platform using their existing tenant company credentials, which is set up and managed through the tenant company’s Identity Provider (IdP). Single Sign-on (SSO) can be configured as required or optional. If configured as required, consumer users for that company would be required to use SSO to log into the Consumer Web App and/or Consumer Mobile App. If configured as optional, the user has the choice between using SSO and/or creating their own HqO Platform credentials which requireds email verification. We can support multiple email domains per integration. We can support multiple IdPs. | Customer must provide the email domains that will utilize Single Sign-on (SSO) and confirm if they want SSO to be required or optional. Customer to confirm the tenant company uses Google with SAML. Tenant company will create an OIDC application, provide HqO with the required information for the application (Client ID, Client Secret). Customer needs provide HqO with a test user for verification purposes only. | The domain provided applies to all users with that domain as Single Sign-on (SSO) is not building specific. Customer must have Tenant Company provide an IT contact to configure SSO. |
Single Sign-on (SSO) - Okta (OIDC) | Single Sign-on (SSO) is a user authentication tool specifically used for the HqO Platform sign up and sign in flows on Consumer Web App, Consumer Mobile App, and HqO Platform admin. | HqO configures the product in the HqO Platform and delivers the product specifications. | Users are able to log into their instance of the Consumer Web App, Consumer Mobile App, and HqO Platform using their existing tenant company credentials, which is set up and managed through the tenant company’s Identity Provider (IdP). Single Sign-on (SSO) can be configured as required or optional. If configured as required, consumer users for that company would be required to use SSO to log into the Consumer Web App and/or Consumer Mobile App. If configured as optional, the user has the choice between using SSO and/or creating their own HqO Platform credentials which requireds email verification. We can support multiple email domains per integration. We can support multiple IdPs. | Customer must provide the email domains that will utilize Single Sign-on (SSO) and confirm if they want SSO to be required or optional. Customer to confirm the tenant company uses Okta with OIDC. Tenant company will create an OIDC application, provide HqO with the required information for the application (Client ID, Client Secret). Customer needs provide HqO with a test user for verification purposes only. | The domain provided applies to all users with that domain as Single Sign-on (SSO) is not building specific. Customer must have Tenant Company provide an IT contact to configure SSO. |
Single Sign-on (SSO) - Okta (SAML) | Single Sign-on (SSO) is a user authentication tool specifically used for the HqO Platform sign up and sign in flows on Consumer Web App, Consumer Mobile App, and HqO Platform admin. | HqO configures the product in the HqO Platform and delivers the product specifications. | Users are able to log into their instance of the Consumer Web App, Consumer Mobile App, and HqO Platform using their existing tenant company credentials, which is set up and managed through the tenant company’s Identity Provider (IdP). Single Sign-on (SSO) can be configured as required or optional. If configured as required, consumer users for that company would be required to use SSO to log into the Consumer Web App and/or Consumer Mobile App. If configured as optional, the user has the choice between using SSO and/or creating their own HqO Platform credentials which requireds email verification. We can support multiple email domains per integration. We can support multiple IdPs. | Customer must provide the email domains that will utilize Single Sign-on (SSO) and confirm if they want SSO to be required or optional. Customer to confirm the tenant company uses Okta with SAML. Tenant company will create an OIDC application, provide HqO with the required information for the application (Client ID, Client Secret). Customer needs provide HqO with a test user for verification purposes only. | The domain provided applies to all users with that domain as Single Sign-on (SSO) is not building specific. Customer must have Tenant Company provide an IT contact to configure SSO. |
Single Sign-on (SSO) - Ping Identity (OIDC) | Single Sign-on (SSO) is a user authentication tool specifically used for the HqO Platform sign up and sign in flows on Consumer Web App, Consumer Mobile App, and HqO Platform admin. | HqO configures the product in the HqO Platform and delivers the product specifications. | Users are able to log into their instance of the Consumer Web App, Consumer Mobile App, and HqO Platform using their existing tenant company credentials, which is set up and managed through the tenant company’s Identity Provider (IdP). Single Sign-on (SSO) can be configured as required or optional. If configured as required, consumer users for that company would be required to use SSO to log into the Consumer Web App and/or Consumer Mobile App. If configured as optional, the user has the choice between using SSO and/or creating their own HqO Platform credentials which requireds email verification. We can support multiple email domains per integration. We can support multiple IdPs. | Customer must provide the email domains that will utilize Single Sign-on (SSO) and confirm if they want SSO to be required or optional. Customer to confirm the tenant company uses Ping Identity with OIDC. Tenant company will create an OIDC application, provide HqO with the required information for the application (Client ID, Client Secret). Customer needs provide HqO with a test user for verification purposes only. | The domain provided applies to all users with that domain as Single Sign-on (SSO) is not building specific. Customer must have Tenant Company provide an IT contact to configure SSO. |
Single Sign-on (SSO) - Ping Identity (SAML) | Single Sign-on (SSO) is a user authentication tool specifically used for the HqO Platform sign up and sign in flows on Consumer Web App, Consumer Mobile App, and HqO Platform admin. | HqO configures the product in the HqO Platform and delivers the product specifications. | Users are able to log into their instance of the Consumer Web App, Consumer Mobile App, and HqO Platform using their existing tenant company credentials, which is set up and managed through the tenant company’s Identity Provider (IdP). Single Sign-on (SSO) can be configured as required or optional. If configured as required, consumer users for that company would be required to use SSO to log into the Consumer Web App and/or Consumer Mobile App. If configured as optional, the user has the choice between using SSO and/or creating their own HqO Platform credentials which requireds email verification. We can support multiple email domains per integration. We can support multiple IdPs. | Customer must provide the email domains that will utilize Single Sign-on (SSO) and confirm if they want SSO to be required or optional. Customer to confirm the tenant company uses Ping Identity with SAML. Tenant company will create an OIDC application, provide HqO with the required information for the application (Client ID, Client Secret). Customer needs provide HqO with a test user for verification purposes only. | The domain provided applies to all users with that domain as Single Sign-on (SSO) is not building specific. Customer must have Tenant Company provide an IT contact to configure SSO. |
Surveys | Understand your users more than ever before by creating short custom surveys with open-ended or multiple choice questions. Whether you are looking for app user input about events, amenities, or other workplace needs, our survey builder will allow you to collect user feedback and will give you insights in real-time. | HqO delivers the product specifications. | Admins can create surveys with multiple choice and/or open feedback questions. Admins can preview the survey. Admins can publish surveys in app by linking through content, target to an audience, and engaging with notifications. App users can answer surveys and submit feedback. Admins can view responses by question. Admins can download responses. | Self-service functionality. | |
Tenant Manager | Manage tenants in your building, including adding, creating, and inviting tenants to opt into available features. | HqO delivers the product specifications. | Add, create, and invite tenants to the platform with a streamlined onboarding process, ensuring they have access to essential features from day one. Assign tenant admins who can manage their company’s features, users and host visitors. View tenant profiles including name, industry, employee count, and domains. | ||
User Manager | User Management capabilities provide a powerful, centralized system to efficiently manage users, control building access, and define roles across their portfolios. | HqO delivers the product specifications. | Easily create, manage, and update user profiles, ensuring the right people have access to the right buildings and resources with the right capabilies. Ability to update users buildings and roles. Ability to deactivate or delete users. | ||
Visitor Management | Allows users to register the details of an upcoming visitor and log this with the front of house team. | HqO configures the product in the HqO Platform and delivers the product specifications. | User is able to register the details of a visitor who is invited to visit the building. User can enter their visitor's first name, last name, email, phone, visit date, start time and end time. Admin is able to view and manage upcoming and past visitors on any given day. Admin can view the visitor name, expected time, end time, host name, host company, floor and status. Admin can update a visitor's status to Checked-in, Checked-out, or Cancelled, and revert to Expected. Trophy & Portfolio Tier features: Tenant Day Pass which allows tenants to enable the Day Passes for none, all or some employees. If their badge is lost or stolen, Day Pass users can requests a day pass at the front desk, and Admins can print them a badge. Watchlist which includes the ability for admins to monitor a list of users that require approval to access the building and notifies the host of a visitor that is on the watchlist that additional action is required. QR Badging (for Lenel NetBox Access Control System) for visitor badging which provides the visitor with a QR code in their invite that they can scan to access the building and the ability for Admins to print or regenerate badge at the front desk. | Customer determines who will manage Visitor Management at the building (ex. security guard). Customer designates who can be a Visitor Host. | Customer has an admin to manage Visitors and check-ins. |
Visitor Management - Angus | Provides the ability to invite visitors via the Angus integration in the Consumer Web App and/or Consumer Mobile App. | HqO delivers the product specifications. HqO configures the integration in the HqO Platform. HqO permissions the integration to only be visible to users who are approved to view / use the integration. | HqO acts as the Identity Provider (IdP) and initiates the log in to the partner's web experience. The third party partner owns and is responsible for the web experience and its functionality. The administrative experience is handled through the partner's portal. | Customer has set up an account & workflows with the partner. Customer must introduce HqO to the partner's account team. The partner provides HqO with SSO link for HqO to integrate the SAML. Customer/Partner provides HqO with a test account to test the integration. Customer provides list of users to permissions of users who should have access to the integration, if applicable. | Customer has an account with the partner. The consumer web and mobile experiences are the responsibility of the partner. The administrative experience is handled through the partner's portal. |
Visitor Management - Building Engines - Classic | Users can invite visitors through the Consumer Web App and/or Consumer Mobile App and the work order information is sent to the Building Engines Classic platform. | HqO delivers the product specifications. HqO configures the integration in the HqO Platform. HqO permissions the integration to only be visible to users who are approved to view / use the integration. | User can view upcoming Visitors User can add a new Visitor User can add First Name User can add Last Name User can add Date of Visit User can add Time of Visit User can add Floor of Visit User can add Suite of Visit User can Cancel" a Visi" | Customer has set up an account & workflows configured with Building Engines (Classic). Customer has configured Building Engines (Classic) based on HqO supported functionality. Customer intro's HqO to Building Engines (Classic) account team. Customer/Building Engines (Classic) provides HqO with customer IDs necessary to configure the integration. Customer/Building Engines (Classic) provides HqO with a test account to test the integration. Customer provides list of users to permissions of users who should have access to the integration. | Customer has an account with the partner. The administrative experience is handled through the partner's portal. Customer is respecting HqO & Building Engines (Classic) functionality. Property Managers / Admin role users are not supported. Users who have profiles/accounts in multiple locations/account in Building Engines is not supported. User must have a Tenant role to be able to use the integration. |
Visitor Management - Building Engines - Prism | Users can invite visitors through the Consumer Web App and/or Consumer Mobile App and the work order information is sent to the Building Engines Prism platform. | HqO delivers the product specifications. HqO configures the integration in the HqO Platform. HqO permissions the integration to only be visible to users who are approved to view / use the integration. | User can view upcoming Visitors. User can add a new Visitor. User can add First Name and Last Name. User can add multiple invitees (group). User can add Date of Visit. User can add Time of Visit. User can add Suite of Visit. User can add Visit Type (pick one - Guest or Vendor). User can add Check-in Instructions (open text box). User can add "Reason for Visit" (open text box). User can add alternate host. User can "Cancel" a Visit. User can add phone number of Visitor. | Customer has set up an account & workflows configured with Building Engines (Prism). Customer has configured Building Engines (Prism) based on HqO supported functionality. Customer intro's HqO to Building Engines (Prism) account team. Customer/Building Engines (Prism) provides HqO with customer IDs necessary to configure the integration. Customer/Building Engines (Prism) provides HqO with a test account to test the integration. Customer provides list of users to permissions of users who should have access to the integration. | Customer has an account with the partner. The administrative experience is handled through the partner's portal. Customer is respecting HqO & Building Engines (Prism) functionality. Property Managers / Admin role users are not supported. Users who have profiles/accounts in multiple locations/account in Building Engines is not supported. User must have a Tenant role to be able to use the integration. |
Visitor Management - Datawatch | Provides the ability to invite visitors via the Datawatch integration in the Consumer Web App and/or Consumer Mobile App. | HqO delivers the product specifications. HqO configures the integration in the HqO Platform. HqO permissions the integration to only be visible to users who are approved to view / use the integration. | HqO acts as the Identity Provider (IdP) and initiates the log in to the partner's web experience. The third party partner owns and is responsible for the web experience and its functionality. The administrative experience is handled through the partner's portal. | Customer has set up an account & workflows with the partner. Customer must introduce HqO to the partner's account team. The partner provides HqO with SSO link for HqO to integrate the SAML. Customer/Partner provides HqO with a test account to test the integration. Customer provides list of users to permissions of users who should have access to the integration. | Customer has an account with the partner. The consumer web and mobile experiences are the responsibility of the partner. The administrative experience is handled through the partner's portal. |
Visitor Management - Envoy | Users can invite visitors through the Consumer Web App and/or Consumer Mobile App and the visitor information is sent to the Envoy platform. Visitors receive a confirmation email and are able to sign in via an Envoy kiosk or through the access readers (if there is an access management integration between Envoy and the customers ACS). | HqO delivers the product specifications. HqO configures the integration in the HqO Platform. HqO permissions the integration to only be visible to users who are approved to view / use the integration. | Users can invite visitors through the app. Users can add a start & end date of visit. Users can add a start & end time of visit. Users can add phone number of visitor. Users can add "visit reason". Users can view visit status. Users can edit visit. Users can cancel visit. Invitee provided an email with visit information. Invitee provided a QR code to access the building. | Customer has set up an account & workflows configured with Envoy. Customer has configured Envoy based on HqO supported functionality. Customer intro's HqO to Envoy account team. Customer/Envoy provides HqO with customer IDs necessary to configure the integration. Customer/Envoy provides HqO with a test account to test the integration. Customer provides list of users to permissions of users who should have access to the integration. | Customer has an account with the partner. The administrative experience is handled through the partner's portal. Customer is respecting HqO & Envoy functionality. Property Managers / Admin role users are not supported. Users who have profiles/accounts in multiple locations/account in Building Engines is not supported. User must have a Tenant role to be able to use the integration. Envoy has several products but HqO only integrates with their visitor management solution. |
Visitor Management - SoloInsight Inc. (Cloudgate) | Users can invite visitors through the HqO app and send information to the Cloudgate / Soloinsight app | HqO delivers the product specifications. HqO configures the integration in the HqO Platform. HqO permissions the integration to only be visible to users who are approved to view / use the integration. | Users can visitor user through the app. Users can add a start & end date of visit. Users can add a start & end time of visit. Users can add floor & suite location of visit. Users can add phone number of visitor. Users can add "visit reason". Users can view visit status. Users can edit visit. Users can cancel visit. Users can add VIP visitor. Users can add escort option. Users can add alternative hosts .Invitee provided an email with visit information. | Customer has set up an account & workflows customized with Cloudgate/Soloinsight. Customer has configured Cloudgate/Soloinsight based on HqO supported functionality. Customer intro's HqO to Cloudgate/Soloinsight account team. Customer/Cloudgate provides HqO with customer IDs. Customer provides list of users to permissions of users who should have access to respective integrations. | Customer has an account with the partner. The consumer web and mobile experiences are the responsibility of the partner. The administrative experience is handled through the partner's portal. |
Work Orders | Work Orders allows users to submit and monitor requests. | HqO configures the product in the HqO Platform and delivers the product specifications. | User is able to create and submit a request. User is able to select the issue type from a list, input the location, upload an image and add a free text description. User is able to view status of pending requests and view past requests. User is notified when the status of their request changes. Admin is able to view, manage and update the status of requests. Admin can make a submitting a description and image either optional or required. Admins will be notified via email when a new request has been submitted. | Customer provides list of users to permissions of users who should have access to respective integrations - Customer determines which users have admin privileges (landlord/property manager or tenant contacts) | Admin cannot customize the list of services request types. |
Work Orders - Angus | Provides the ability to submit work orders via the Angus integration in the Consumer Web App and/or Consumer Mobile App. | HqO delivers the product specifications. HqO configures the integration in the HqO Platform. HqO permissions the integration to only be visible to users who are approved to view / use the integration. | HqO acts as the Identity Provider (IdP) and initiates the log in to the partner's web experience. The third party partner owns and is responsible for the web experience and its functionality. The administrative experience is handled through the partner's portal. | Customer has set up an account & workflows with the partner. Customer must introduce HqO to the partner's account team. The partner provides HqO with SSO link for HqO to integrate the SAML. Customer/Partner provides HqO with a test account to test the integration. Customer provides list of users to permissions of users who should have access to the integration, if applicable. | Customer has an account with the partner. The consumer web and mobile experiences are the responsibility of the partner. The administrative experience is handled through the partner's portal. |
Work Orders - Building Engines - Classic | Users can raise work orders through the Consumer Web App and/or Consumer Mobile App and the work order information is sent to the Building Engines Classic platform. | HqO delivers the product specifications. HqO configures the integration in the HqO Platform. HqO permissions the integration to only be visible to users who are approved to view / use the integration. | User can view previously input work order. User can put in new work order. User can add a Description (open text box). User can select "Issue Type" (list pulled from Building Engines instance). User can select "Location" (list pulled from Building Engines instance). User can "Cancel" a request as needed. User can in-app communicate with Admin user. | Customer has set up an account & workflows configured with Building Engines (Classic). Customer has configured Building Engines (Classic) based on HqO supported functionality. Customer intro's HqO to Building Engines (Classic) account team. Customer/Building Engines (Classic) provides HqO with customer IDs necessary to configure the integration. Customer/Building Engines (Classic) provides HqO with a test account to test the integration. Customer provides list of users to permissions of users who should have access to the integration. | Customer has an account with the partner. The administrative experience is handled through the partner's portal. Customer is respecting HqO & Building Engines (Classic) functionality. Property Managers / Admin role users are not supported. Users who have profiles/accounts in multiple locations/account in Building Engines is not supported. User must have a Tenant role to be able to use the integration. |
Work Orders - Building Engines - Prism | Users can raise work orders through the Consumer Web App and/or Consumer Mobile App and the work order information is sent to the Building Engines Prism platform. | HqO delivers the product specifications. HqO configures the integration in the HqO Platform. HqO permissions the integration to only be visible to users who are approved to view / use the integration. | User can view previously input work order. User can put in new work order. User can add a Description (open text box). User can select "Issue Type" (list pulled from Building Engines instance). User can select "Location" (list pulled from Building Engines instance). User can "Cancel" a request as needed. User can in-app communicate with Admin user. | Customer has set up an account & workflows configured with Building Engines (Prism). Customer has configured Building Engines (Prism) based on HqO supported functionality. Customer intro's HqO to Building Engines (Prism) account team. Customer/Building Engines (Prism) provides HqO with customer IDs necessary to configure the integration. Customer/Building Engines (Prism) provides HqO with a test account to test the integration. Customer provides list of users to permissions of users who should have access to the integration. | Customer has an account with the partner. The administrative experience is handled through the partner's portal. Customer is respecting HqO & Building Engines (Prism) functionality. Property Managers / Admin role users are not supported. Users who have profiles/accounts in multiple locations/account in Building Engines is not supported. User must have a Tenant role to be able to use the integration. |
Reading Time: 43 minutes